Friday, November 16, 2012

It's done!

This is what I have been working on for the last week. Well, the last two years, off and on and then the last week to finally finish it! I am so happy with how it turned out.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I figured it out!

Not sure what I did, but it worked this time.  So here are my clouds.  Not Veteran's day related like I said I was going to try to do.  I did try, my combat boots drawing was not fit for publishing.  :-) 

My art for today.

I am having trouble loading a scan of my drawing today.  Not sure what the problem is.  I will keep trying, but might not get it uploaded toady.  I did a drawing of zentangle clouds.  It was a very windy day today and I did the drawing while I was sitting on my back porch having coffee this morning. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Art of the day

This is the drawing that I started yesterday.  I finally finished it today, so not creating something every day, but being creative every day, so that's ok.  Tomorrow is the Veteran's Day parade in Killeen.  My oldest son is marching with his JROTC unit, so we will be watching from the sidelines.  I think I will try to do some Veteran's Day related art tomorrow.  Have to give that some thought.  I can't wait to see what I come up with! :-)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Creative Every Day Challenge

I tried to do this challenge last year when hubby was away.  Wasn't able to keep up with it.  Now, things are much less stressful in my life and I am going to give it another try.  I know, there are less than two months left in 2012, but that's OK.  I am hoping this will inspire me to make some time every day to do something creative.  (One could argue that raising children takes a lot of creativity, but that is not the kind of creativity I am focusing on. :-)  I tend to create in spurts, spending an entire weekend on a project, then not doing anything for a few weeks.  So this will be a new approach for me, a little something every day.  So what will it be today?  I don't know, I will probably have to get off this computer and go get started at some point.  I am just having so much fun working on this blog, listing other blogs that I am following, linking to my son's youtube channels, choosing just the right font and color for every title on the blog, avoiding the pile of laundry waiting for me.  I can be very creative when it comes to avoiding what I don't want to do.  It's a gift....   Ok, signing off now and going to go draw something...


Hello Everyone.  I am giving blogging another try.   We'll see how it goes.  I will be sharing my creative endeavors, talking about my kids and my life as an Army wife, and pretty much anything else that comes to mind.  So welcome, thanks for stopping by and I hope that you enjoy my blog.